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Course Overview:

This is an elective course that the basic physics and chemistry of polymers. It underwent numerous name changes, but the contents, assessment format, and teaching team has remained unchanged over the years.​

  • 1st part (Organic chemistry of polymers, taught by A/P Chi Chunyan): Introduction, Classification & Definitions for Step-growth polymerizations, Chain-growth polymerizations, Radical Polymerizations, Cationic polymerizations, Anionic polymerizations, Coordination polymerizations and new methodologies, Synthesis of special chain topologies (networks, graft, block)

  • 2nd part (Physical chemistry of polymers, taught by A/P Tan Zhi Kuang): Polymer size and conformations, Thermodynamics of mixtures, Thermodynamics of polymer solutions, Phase behavior of polymer solutions, Characterization of Polymer Solutions (Osmotic pressure & viscometry, Light scattering and dynamic light scattering, Size exclusion chromatography and mass spectrometry), Solid State Properties of Polymers (Glassy state, Elastomeric and crystalline state), Mechanical properties & processing of polymers

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