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CM3252 — Introduction to Polymer Science

Academic Year 24/25 - Semester 1


Lecturer: A/P Chi Chunyan & A/P Tan Zhi Kuang



  • Quiz 1: 25%

  • Quiz 2: 25%

  • Quiz 3: 25%

  • Quiz 4: 25%​​


No. of responses : 2
















What advice would you give to someone considering taking this course?


Flanders: Overall, a low workload but useful course. The course is divided into two halves. The first half is taught by A/P Prof. Chi Chunyan, which goes over the basics, such as the different types of polymerisation and methods to make certain polymers. This part is very easy if you are good with organic chemistry fundamentals. The entire content for the first half can be found word-for-word in the textbook. 2 Quizzes for the first half, closed book, pen and paper. Each quiz tests only 2-3 weeks of content which simplifies the memorisation. The second half is taught by A/P Tan Zhi Kuang, which covers physical chemistry that is occasionally relevant to polymers. The content is easier if you have taken CM3131. 2 Quizzes for the second half, open book, canvas MCQ quiz. Lectures are face-to-face with no recording.​


DolleEicir: Can overload as assessments are all CAs, no exam. However, need to be consistent in doing tutorials and understanding the content. Assessment weightage is distributed, so it can be rather forgiving if didn't do well for one of the CAs.



What did you enjoy or find most useful from this course?


Flanders: Content is quite relevant to formulation chemistry for those who plan to work in the industry. I did this course along with my UPIP and the concepts are very applicable.


DolleEicir: Good introduction to polymer science, you learn the various aspects of polymer science, and it's a good gauge to see if you would be interested in this specific field. Furthermore, it is an applicable skill in various industries, so it's a good course to diversify your options.



What aspects of the course did you find most challenging, and why?


Flanders: Some history is tested for Quiz 1, so you need to memorise the scientist names and contributions.​


DolleEicir: Concepts take time to grasp, especially the mechanisms and the mind-boggling formulas that are present.



What resources did you find most helpful in helping you better understand the course material?​​​​


Flanders: Textbook: Introduction to Polymers by Robert J. Young and Peter A. Lovell​


DolleEicir: Slides are self-sufficient, but it's best is to clarify with the profs for a clearer understanding.



What other courses do you think should be taken before or concurrently with this module?


Flanders: Recommended to clear CM3131 before this course.​​


DolleEicir: I would suggest CM2133, because it provides a base for thermodynamics. Normal to take CM2133 before CM3252, but can be taken concurrently, as I used the understanding from CM3252 to better understand CM2133's Thermodynamics part.

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