Lecturer: A/P John Yip
Lab Instructor: Dr Chui Sin Yin Stephen
General Overview
Assessment Format and Weightage
Lab proforma (2 labs): 10% each
test 1: 20%
test 2: 20%
Finals: 40%
(Number of Responses:4)
Overall difficulty
Very easy:1 Easy:1 Moderate:2 Difficult:0 Very difficult:0
Difficulty of Assessments
Lab proforma Very easy:1 Easy:0 Moderate:1 Difficult:2 Very difficult:0
test 1 Very easy:1 Easy:1 Moderate:2 Difficult:0 Very difficult:0
test 2 Very easy:1 Easy:1 Moderate:2 Difficult:0 Very difficult:0
Finals Very easy:1 Easy:0 Moderate:3 Difficult:0 Very difficult:0
Pace of Module
Too slow:2 Just right:2 Too fast:0
Workload of Module (On Average per week)
-Time spent on assignments : 2.52Hrs
-Time spent to keep up with content : 2.23Hrs
(1 being not at all enjoyable and 5 being very enjoyable)
(1 being not at all useful and 5 being very useful)
How did you find the contents (e.g. how it was delivered) and the assessments of the module?
-Workload gets too heavy during weeks that have lab sessions, otherwise it is manageable.
-Prof. John Yip is a dedicated professor who definitely tries to make his lessons interesting and relatable to students. Assessments were reasonable and questions from tests were similar to those found in lecture notes or tutorials.
-Prof would ask questions to be answered live during lectures which made the lectures more engaging. The assessments were not particularly difficult but tricky and required understanding of concepts.
-Barely anything new was taught that deferred outside CM1102. Assessments were mostly simple and there were some questions that were purely about regurgitating information. Prof. John Yip mostly did a good job in content delivery but was hampered but the lack of new topics in that module.
How was your experience in the module?
-To know the cores of elements and their properties👍
-Some topics are interesting, especially when real-life examples are given.
-While the lectures were kind of fun, and the tutorials were a good reflection of the assessments, the module itself felt as useful as HS1501. I wish more content was delivered that followed up on Dr Chong's Env. section in CM1102, ie backbonding, transition metal, crystal field or even solid state.
-Unfortunately, the content taught in this module makes it such that the module is not extremely useful to most students who have taken CM1102. A lot of time in the module is spent covering content that most students would have already been exposed to such as MO theory and VSEPR. New content includes ligand group orbitals, HSAB theory, 3c2e/2c4e bonds and chemistry of main group elements. However, Prof Yip went through the MO theory part of the content without delving too deeply into character tables and symmetry groups. Although the second half of the module was supposed to be dedicated to main group chemistry, a lot of it was also glossed over due to the lack of time. The module will definitely benefit by putting more focus on introducing newer concepts such as point group symmetry and main group chemistry.
Academic Year 22/23 - Semester 1
Lab Proforma: 20%
Test 1: 20%
Test 2: 20%
Final Exam: 40%
Lecturer: A/P Yip Hon Kay, John
Lab Instructor: Dr Chui Sin Yin Stephen
Overview of content covered in module:
Using Atomic orbitals and Molecular orbital theory to explain chemical bonds.
Properties of group 1,2,13,14,15,16 and 17 elements + chemical reactions these elements undergo.
Relevance of relativistic effects in heavy transition metals.
Acids and bases + Oxidation states
No. of responses : 4
Workload of Module (Average number of hours spent per week)
To learn the content: 2.52h
To complete assignments: 2.23h
How did you find the contents (e.g. how it was delivered) and the assessments of the module?
Workload gets too heavy during weeks that have lab sessions, otherwise it is manageable.
Prof. John Yip is a dedicated professor who definitely tries to make his lessons interesting and relatable to students. Assessments were reasonable and questions from tests were similar to those found in lecture notes or tutorials.
Prof would ask questions to be answered live during lectures which made the lectures more engaging. The assessments were not particularly difficult but tricky and required understanding of concepts.
Barely anything new was taught that deferred outside CM1102. Assessments were mostly simple and there were some questions that were purely about regurgitating information. Prof. John Yip mostly did a good job in content delivery but was hampered but the lack of new topics in that module.
How was your experience in the module?
To know the cores of elements and their properties👍
Some topics are interesting, especially when real-life examples are given.
While the lectures were kind of fun, and the tutorials were a good reflection of the assessments, the module itself felt as useful as HS1501. I wish more content was delivered that followed up on Dr Chong's Env. section in CM1102, ie backbonding, transition metal, crystal field or even solid state.
Unfortunately, the content taught in this module makes it such that the module is not extremely useful to most students who have taken CM1102. A lot of time in the module is spent covering content that most students would have already been exposed to such as MO theory and VSEPR. New content includes ligand group orbitals, HSAB theory, 3c2e/2c4e bonds and chemistry of main group elements. However, Prof Yip went through the MO theory part of the content without delving too deeply into character tables and symmetry groups. Although the second half of the module was supposed to be dedicated to main group chemistry, a lot of it was also glossed over due to the lack of time. The module will definitely benefit by putting more focus on introducing newer concepts such as point group symmetry and main group chemistry.