Academic Year 24/25 - Semester 1
Lecturer: A/P Adrian Lee​
No. of responses : 4
What advice would you give to someone considering taking this course?
Korvold, the Fae-Cursed King: Good to have prior knowledge, otherwise it might be slightly harder to keep pace.
Anonymous: Consistent effort and consults are required as coursework will snowball a lot if you do not do so. Content is also rather complicated so need to revise and go for consults.
kay: Familiarize yourself with basic Physics & Calculus.
Anonymous: Buckle up and really focus from the start till end because all concepts are at similar difficulty levels. It is also super helpful to refer to learning objectives at the end of each lecture and the example questions because although a lot of complicated derivations and concepts are introduced, only a few matter in the exams.
What did you enjoy or find most useful from this course?
Korvold, the Fae-Cursed King: Lectures and Tutorials, both conducted by A/P Lee, were enjoyable.
Anonymous: Dr Lee is very nice and willing to help when you approach him for consults. Provides an understanding of MO theory that will be very useful for the rest of your chemistry career in NUS.
Anonymous: The excel functions are definitely helpful.
What aspects of the course did you find most challenging, and why?
Korvold, the Fae-Cursed King: The mathematics involved.
Anonymous: Concepts are the hardest to understand. There is a lot of quantum physics involved which makes it quite hard to grasp if you're not a physics student or have no physics background at all.
kay: Concepts that were covered, everything was either too “math” or too imaginary.
Anonymous: The Prof liked to go deep into the concepts that I would sometimes forget what's important, and I ended up spending too much time on trying to understand irrelevant concepts.
What resources did you find most helpful in helping you better understand the course material?
Korvold, the Fae-Cursed King: Sample Questions uploaded by Prof.
kay: Youtube videos & old notes.
Anonymous: Google and Youtube.