Academic Year 22/23 - Semester 2
Test 1: 25%
Test 2: 30%
Lab Proforma: 32% (4 x 8%)
Viva Voce: 8%
Homework: 2.5% (10 x 0.25%)
Self Assessment: 2.5% (10 x 0.25%)
Lecturer: Ms Saradha Thyagarajan
Lab Instructor: Dr Jeremiah Chen
Course Overview:
This is a first course in analytical chemistry that would introduce the students, a toolkit for performing a chemical analysis in the 21st century.
This toolkit consists of sampling methods; sample treatment and preparation; statistics; data treatment and several ubiquitously-used analytical techniques. These include principles and applications of separation science with a focus on gas and liquid chromatography, electrochemistry (voltammetry, coulometry, potentiometry), gravimetry, titrimetry and elemental analysis.
Lectures will be complemented by practical sessions to give the students a good grounding in the basics of chemical analysis.
No. of responses : 4
Workload of Course (Average number of hours spent per week)
To learn the content: 4.5h
To complete assignments: 5.1h
How did you find the contents (e.g. how it was delivered) and the assessments of the course?
Content was alright but assessments were kind of not applicable for industrial uses, more like just teaching the theory.
The theory workload is quite heavy and pacing is fast. However, not overlapping lectures and lab in the same weeks is very helpful in easing the workload.
The self assessments were helpful in checking my understanding of the lecture content. More time was spent on working on the lab report. The pace of lectures was good and the professor was willing to go through your test paper.
How was your experience in the course?
There were one weekly quiz and one assignment every week, which took quite a lot of time to complete.
Overall, I was lost and confused at times but the content of the course was useful and workload was manageable.