Academic Year 22/23 - Semester 1
Lab Reports: 32%
Viva Voce: 8%
Thermodynamic Test: 12.5%
Graded Assignment: 5%
Test 1: 20%
Test 2: 35%
Lecturer: Dr Tan Wee Boon
Lab Instructor: Dr Jeremiah Chen
Module Overview:
Statistics: Calculation of errors, Hypothesis testing (p-value), t-test, F-test, Q-test, Chromatography: Liquid chromatography and Gas chromatography, Electrolysis
Review 1
Overall Difficulty: Difficult
Difficulty of Assessment:
Lab Reports: Average
Viva Voce: Average
Graded Assignment: Average
Test 1: Difficult
Test 2: Very Difficult
Pace of Module: Too Fast
Enjoyability: 2/5
Usefulness: 4/5
Workload of Module (Average Number of hours spent per week):
To learn the module: 7 hours
To complete assignments: 5.5 hours
How did you find the contents (how it was delivered) and the assessments of the module?
The tests were difficult despite the preparation of cheat sheets. The lab reports were quite time-consuming, and they were difficult to understand for the first 2 sessions for me as the content had not yet been covered in lectures.
How was your experience with the module?
The lab sessions were enjoyable since we worked in pairs and the skills learnt would be useful for future lab sessions.
Review 2
Overall Difficulty: Average
Difficulty of Assessment:
Lab Reports: Average
Viva Voce: Easy
Graded Assignment: Average
Test 1: Average
Test 2: Very Difficult
Pace of Module: Just Nice
Enjoyability: 3/5
Usefulness: 4/5
Workload of Module (Average Number of hours spent per week):
To learn the module: 5 hours
To complete assignments: 4.5 hours
How did you find the contents (how it was delivered) and the assessments of the module?
The first assessment was at an average difficulty however I felt that the second assessment was a lot more challenging. For the labs, if possible, it'll be good if we were given feedback after each lab reports that are graded instead of just showing our lab grades at the end of the semester so that we can know where we could improve on for the next lab.
How was your experience with the module?
Analytical chemistry requires good understanding of statistics and the various other formulas needed to solve the questions which may not be very enjoyable for many however its labs are quite useful in helping us understand certain concepts that were taught during lecture.