CM3111 — Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry
Academic Year 24/25 - Semester 1
Lecturer: Dr. Edith Chan​​
No. of responses : 2
What advice would you give to someone considering taking this course?
Timothy: Consistent effort is required because subsequent topics build on previous ones.
Anonymous: Consistent reviewing of lectures is required as you need to understand the previous lectures to keep up with the materials taught as the contents are linked.​
What did you enjoy or find most useful from this course?
Timothy: This course inspired me to take the inorganic chemistry elective courses (CM3212 and CM4215).
Anonymous: Dr Chan is extremely approachable and is happy to answer any questions.​
What aspects of the course did you find most challenging, and why?
Timothy: Due to the design of Dr Chan's notes, it was slightly difficult to organise all the course content.
Anonymous: Concepts on MO diagrams of sigma-donor, pi-donor, pi-acceptor ligands and ferrocene are the most challenging. Especially, because it links back to the previous topics on UV-Vis such as MLCT and d-d transitions.​
What resources did you find most helpful in helping you better understand the course material?
Timothy: Lecture notes were sufficient
Anonymous: The lecture notes provided were sufficient.​
What other courses do you think should be taken before or concurrently with this module?
Timothy: CM3191 (Concurrently), CM3131 (Concurrently)
Anonymous: Most people take this course with CM3191 lab because some of the topics are related.