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Academic Year 23/24 - Semester 2


  • Test 1: 25% 

  • Test 2: 30% 

  • Lab Proforma: 32% (4 x 8%) 

  • Viva Voce: 8% 

  • Homework: 2.5% (10 x 0.25%) 

  • Self Assessment: 2.5% (10 x 0.25%) 

Lecturer: Ms Saradha Thyagarajan

Lab Instructor: Dr Jeremiah Chen 


Course Overview: 

  • This is a first course in analytical chemistry that would introduce the students, a toolkit for performing a chemical analysis in the 21st century. 

  • This toolkit consists of sampling methods; sample treatment and preparation; statistics; data treatment and several ubiquitously-used analytical techniques. These include principles and applications of separation science with a focus on gas and liquid chromatography, electrochemistry (voltammetry, coulometry, potentiometry), gravimetry, titrimetry and elemental analysis. 

  • Lectures will be complemented by practical sessions to give the students a good grounding in the basics of chemical analysis. 


Difficulty of the course: Easy

Pace of the course: Just Right

Duration provided to prepare for tutorials: >7 Days

Workload of Course (Average number of actual hours spent per week)

​To learn the content: 2 hours

To complete assignments: 1 hours​​​​​​​​​​



What advice would you give to someone considering to take this course?


Anonymous: There's a lot of formulas so it's important to know which one to use when especially since the test timing is quite short so you have to be quite fast.


What aspects of the course did you find most challenging, and why?


Anonymous: Test 2 was much harder than test 1 as she tested quite a bit of stuff that you don't really focus on such as types of columns and injections for chromatography.


What resources did you find most helpful in helping you better understand the course material? 


Anonymous: The lecture slides are sufficient. Just make sure to copy paste everything into your cheatsheet for both tests.

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