Academic Year 24/25 - Semester 1
Lecturer: A/P John Yip
Lab Instructor: Dr. Chui Sin Yin Stephen
Test 1: 20%
Test 2: 20%
Lab: 20%
Finals: 40%​​
No. of responses : 3
What advice would you give to someone considering taking this course?
Anonymous: You can overload with this course with other 2K chemistry modules! The assessments are practical reports (takes around 2-3days to complete) and tests to study for (can study within 1 week before test) and finals! The tests were more manageable than the finals (he gave much harder questions in finals than the practice paper) so don’t rely too much on practice papers, instead try to understand the content! I wouldn’t say you super need consistent efforts throughout every day but good to keep revising it to be familiar with the content to prepare for tests and finals! Practice from tutorials and practice papers are enough! Consultations are good but be prepared that you may not get the answers you want from him (don’t put so much hope in this).
Anonymous: Pretty straightforward mod, try to stay kept up with the course content. Use the practices and tutorials that he gives to practice and make sure the required concepts are understood.
Anonymous: Considering that all lectures are recorded and Prof John speaks at a slow speed, this course should be fine to overload. Just take note that to do well, it is mostly about understanding the content and applying it, so no memorisation is necessary. Just don't wait till the day before the test to start studying.
What did you enjoy or find most useful from this course?
Anonymous: He gave very interesting lectures, adding a lot of interesting out-of-classroom knowledge which makes the content more fun! the materials are relatable to previous 1K modules! I think the knowledge will be relevant in the industry!
Anonymous: Despite the slower pace of lectures, the Prof was quite engaging. Prof Yip also told us what were the slides and topics that were tested and not tested which helped.
Anonymous: Prof John explains everything clearly and also has some random entertaining tidbits he talks about during lectures so his lessons never really get boring!
What aspects of the course did you find most challenging, and why?
Anonymous: Understanding the concepts was very challenging rather than the workload. What you understand may not be equivalent to what the prof is looking for so you have to really read through the answers to find out what is important!
What resources did you find most helpful in helping you better understand the course material?
Anonymous: His tutorials and practice papers
Anonymous: The lecture slides were sufficient
What other courses do you think should be taken before or concurrently with this module?
Anonymous: Can be taken alone after CM1102.
Anonymous: Take CM2122 concurrently to put both labs on the same day. Otherwise, the lab slot which is only for two weeks can really mess up your entire timetable.​