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Academic Year 22/23 - Semester 2



  • Tutorials (A/P Yeo): 15% 

  • Quiz (Dr Michael): 15% 

  • Project (Dr Michael): 15% 

  • Exam 1 (A/P Yeo): 35% 

  • Exam 2 (Dr Michael): 20% 

Lecturer(s): A/P Yeo Boon Siang, Jason & Dr Michael Yudistira Patuwo 



























Review 1

Course Overview: Environmental Chemistry in the air, water and soil. Prof Yeo will teach the chemistry in air from Chapman Cycle and the way he teaches is problem-solution style. Dr Michael will teach the water chemistry and soil chemistry. There is also a computational chemistry project which is simple to do as well.


Overall Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty of Assessments:

  • Tutorials: Very Easy 

  • Quiz: Very Easy 

  • Project: Very Easy 

  • Exam 1: Very Easy 

  • Exam 2: Very Easy 


Pace of Course: Just Right 

Duration provided to prepare for Tutorial: 3-4 days 

Workload of Course (Average Number of hours spent per week): 

To learn the content: 4.9 hours

To complete assignments: 5.1 hours


How did you find the contents (how it was delivered) and the assessments of the course? 

Useful as they talk about industry methods, what is happening today and it is a new field of study. Good for those interested in environmental chemistry. 


How was your experience with the course? 

Fantastic experience, lectures were interesting and easy to understand. Assumptions were that you know high school chemistry. Computational chemistry might scare undergraduates due to little opportunity of exposure but this was taught very well by Dr Michael as he teaches step by step. Webcasted and enjoyed the course. 


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