Academic Year 22/23 - Semester 1
Project 1 - Spectrophotometer: 30%
Project 2 - Weather Station: 15%
Weekly Tutorials: 20%
Exams: 30%
Attendance: 5%
Lecturer(s) and Tutor(s): Dr Michael Yudistira Patuwo
Review 1
Course Overview: This course teaches you how programming and computational thinking can be applied to Chemistry problems. Content taught includes design of experiments, statistics and PCA which are very useful in the industry today.
Overall Difficulty: Average
Difficulty of Assessment:
Project 1 – Spectrophotometer: Very Difficult
Project 2 – Weather Station: Average
Weekly Tutorials: Average
Exams: Average
Attendance: Very Easy
Pace of Course: Just Right
Duration provided to prepare for Tutorial: 1-2 days
Workload of Course (Average Number of hours spent per week):
To learn the content: 4.9 hours
To complete assignments: 5.2 hours
How did you find the contents (how it was delivered) and the assessments of the course?
The contents were very useful for industry today and they are important for chemists as we are not exposed to learn how to design experiments. PCA is an important skill to know to deal with big data. I would highly recommend this course to Chemistry students especially if you are going for internships soon.
How was your experience with the course?
Very positive, took away many important skills needed for the industry. Less scared of programming now.